Real patient

Real patient
Helpful Resources for Your Treatment Journey
Patient guides
AYVAKIT brochure
Download the patient brochure for more information on ISM and treatment with AYVAKIT.
Doctor Discussion Guide
Use this interactive tool to help prepare you for your next conversation with your doctor about your treatment goals.

Caring for a loved one with indolent systemic mastocytosis (ISM)?
Acting as a caregiver can be an important role for the family members and friends of a patient with ISM. Caregivers can provide physical, practical and emotional support to the patient. Being a caregiver can be challenging and it is important to take care of yourself as well as your loved one.
Establishing a detailed plan and identifying others who can help out can be a meaningful way to support both caregivers and the patient.
Caregivers have many opportunities to support patients with ISM, both on a daily and as-needed basis, including:
- Providing emotional support and encouragement
- Talking with the patient’s doctor and healthcare team and coordinating appointments
- Providing transportation to and from appointments
- Handling insurance and billing issues
- Helping manage the patient’s medication schedule
- Encouraging the patient to seek medical advice about symptoms and medication side effects
- Assisting with household chores and meals
Additional resources for patients living with ISM and caregivers
Get support and information from independent patient organizations.
These resources are included as a reference for patients with ISM and do not imply endorsement of the company or its products by the groups listed. Blueprint Medicines is not affiliated with and does not endorse any particular advocacy group. We make no guarantees about the accuracy of the information provided on these websites or the quality of support provided. Descriptions for each company were provided by the organizations themselves.